Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ellie's new tricks!

So just last week Ellie started actually crawling, not just scooting. Here are a couple videos of her crawling.

Also this week, Ellie has learned to stand up holding onto things. If was crazy, it was like one day she couldn't, and the next day she couldn't get enough of it. EVERYthing she sees, she tries to stand up now. Here are a handful of videos of her pulling herself up onto things.

And here's Ellie standing up in her crib. We even lowered the mattress and raised the bar, and she can still pull herself up to standing.

More of Ellie standing in her crib, and I think we finally caught her "poop face" on camera! :) Too funny!

And some more footage of crawling, she's getting better everyday!

And here's Ellie getting into some of my things in the office.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Buck Toofs!

Ellie's top two teeth have come in and they're spaced kinda far apart, so we call them her "buck toofs". She also has one of her top teeth to the right in, and the one on the left of the top two is coming in. She's going to have a mouthful before we know it!

Just a cute picture of Ellie standing up her crib after she woke up from a nap.

I was changing Ellie's diaper and as soon as I took off her wet diaper she rolled over and started crawling away before I could get her new diaper on. I only realized after I took the picture, that she had already peed on the carpet! (See the wet spot?) Oh well, I guess its the first of many accidents we can expect when she starts potty training in a couple years.

Another cute naked bum shot :)

Hope you enjoyed these, make sure to check out the videos in the next post!

A handful of videos

Here are a handful of cute videos I've taken over the last week or so.

When Ellie wakes up she usually just rolls around in her crib and talks to herself for about 10-15 min before she actually starts crying. So I got some video of it without her seeing me.

And then after she wakes up I usually stand her up in the crib so she can practice standing while holding onto something. She's always really cute and smiley since she just woke up.

We gave Ellie ice cream for the first time the other night. You'd think we were giving her lemons!

We just bought a pack of diapers for Ellie and then realized they made a great "car" :)

I was washing the dishes and came back to the living room and found Ellie exploring the under side of the coffee table.

and then again today Ellie got under the coffee table and was laughing and smiling and showing off her buck teeth, so I figured I would video it too.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Messy Week!

So Ellie is becoming quite the little crawler. I turn my back for 2 seconds and she's making a mess! And she ate her first Ritz cracker this week. So here are a few pictures of her "messes" or adventures from this week.

While I was cooking, Ellie discovered the pantry with all the cool things to grab.

Again, I turned my back for a second and Ellie tipped over my basket with the reeds.

Here's ellie eating her first Ritz cracker. I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but she made quite the mess!

I bought Ellie some little Gerber "puffs". Kind of like those Cheetos puffs, but smaller and more healthy. Anyway, I turned around to grab something on the stove and she grabbed the whole container which was next to her booster seat, and dumped it all over her tray and then all over the counter. :)

Well, hope you enjoyed our adventurous and messy week. Remember to look at her bath videos in the post below! :)

Bath Time!

I thought I'd show you some videos of Ellie taking a bath. I tried to upload a video of Ellie's first bath, but it wouldn't let me for some reason. So these are just from a couple days ago. I'll keep trying to upload that first bath video and let you know if I can get it to work. Enjoy!