Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry it's been forever since I've posted pictures and videos of Ellie. I figured this could be a Happy Mother's Day post. :) Here are some of my favorite pictures we've taken over the last couple months. I'll post some videos later, I'll let you know once I've posted them!

Here's a couple pics of Ellie hanging out under Danny's chair in the office.

Ellie getting into my plants, and her first taste of dirt! Apparently she's not a fan! :)

Ellie getting into my office stuff.

Just a cute picture of Ellie with her Daddy!

Going up the stairs

Ellie peeking through the rails at the top of the stairs.

Trying to scale the gate we put at the bottom of the stairs.

Mom wasn't paying close enough attention and Ellie found an open pretzel bag in the pantry and start shaking it and pretzels went everywhere!

Ellie "walking" around by hanging onto the wall.

I think we have a ballerina on our hands, check out those toes!

Trying on Ellie's swimsuit. It's a little small, we may have to get another one before we actually go swimming.

Danny calls this Ellie's "timeout". It's not really, but if we need to set her somewhere she can't move, we put her on the bottom step. Her feet don't reach the floor and so she's kind of stuck there. It's pretty cute, she'll just hang out there for at least a few minutes, just chillin'. Till she realizes she's stuck, then she starts getting fussy. :)

I think we got this outfit from Becky's girls. It was a warm day so I decided to put Ellie in a cute "summery" outfit.

Ellie enjoying Caitlin's guitar playing.

Ellie wearing her cute fur boots that Michelle got her at the girl's retreat last year.

Well, that's it. Like I mentioned before, I'll get some videos posted hopefully today, or tomorrow at the latest. Happy Mother's Day!

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