Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More pictures!

Ok, so I haven't gotten the videos up yet. But you'll be happy to know I did put all our family home videos on DVD's last night, so I'll be sending each of you a copy. (Debra and Carole) And though I say "our" family home videos, they're about 99% of Ellie. :) Here are a few pictures from her birthday party, and also, I wanted some One Year pictures, so I had my friend Karen take some pictures of her. Several of them turned out really cute!

Here are a pictures of everyone playing in the pool before eating.

Ellie just walking around after eating

Kirsten helping out with Ellie

Getting ready to open presents!

Loving the giggling shark!

Also, enjoying the tin can. I love this picture, "Mom, what the heck is this?"

Eating Cake! She was pretty tired by this point, so she wasn't real gung-ho about the cake, but she did dig in eventually and eat a little.

I think she had more fun just playing in it, instead of actually eating it!

Here are the pictures we took in Karen's backyard.
This one is a little "bluish" from the shadows, but still cute!

One of my favorites! I'll definitely be ordering an 8x10 of this one!

I like this one 'cause it shows her chewing her fingers, which she's been doing A LOT lately because of all her teeth coming in!

Some more cute ones!

Ahhh mom, too sunny, too sunny!

And a couple last cute ones!

1 comment:

Spackman's said...

she is so dang beautiful!! I found your blog off of the Benich's and was so happy to see that you have one :)